The APC Partnership Charter

For decorative purposes only For decorative purposes only

Partnership Charter

The Alternative Provider Collaborative is a partnership of social enterprises and charitable organisations operating at scale across the Greater Manchester Integrated Care System (ICS) footprint.

GM has a strong voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector providing a range of NHS and Public Health services. Although many operate across multiple boroughs, they have sometimes struggled to scale across GM and integrate within the wider NHS ecosystem. Arbitrary markets have formed a culture of competition rather than co-operation which has too long stifled integration and innovation.

The new ICS structures across GM facilitate engagement of VCSE providers on a borough level. The Collaborative provides an infrastructure for alternative providers to engage with the ICS on a GM footprint.

The APC’s partnership charter sets out key principles for how we and our member organisations work in partnership with each other. This charter is not a legal document and these principles are set to support the development of productive and creative partnerships.

The APC Membership vision

  • We will co-produce our partnership with all members to develop a shared vision for The APC based on our collective values and principles.
  • We will ensure that there is clear and effective collaboration in developing our partnership vision.
  • We will ensure that people and communities are at the heart of our partnership.
  • We will review the partnership vision annually.

Our Shared Principles

  • Using public funds in an environmental, economic and socially responsible manner, and not for personal profit.
  • Eradicating inequity and discrimination in public service.
  • Removing barriers between agencies to improve services.
  • Putting people in control of their own wellbeing.
  • Sharing best practice and innovation for the good of all.
  • Commitment to partnering with and supporting development of local VCSE organisations.

Our Shared Values

 1. Collaboration

Encouraging mutual collaboration can help foster a rewarding and mutually respectful relationship between members. This will help deliver and achieve the overall goals of The APF.

  • We will create an environment where we can share insight and knowledge and co-produce ideas that support people and communities to get to where they want to be, sharing intellectual property risk free with an open source approach
  • We will work together on projects cooperatively
  • Build trust, alignment and accountability
  • Be inclusive, sharing and connected
  • Navigate change collectively
  1. Creativity

We will encourage diversity of thought and lived experience in our service development.

  • We will be a think tank and offer commentary on policy, innovation, testing, prototyping, myth busting, etc.
  • We will offer innovation and alternatives with provider solutions to insoluble issues within health and social care
  • Be thought leaders
  1. Influence

We will speak up with a shared voice and use our collective bargaining power

  •  Lobby and be a locus of influence on a local and national platform
  • Use and expand our links to wider system and other bodies to ensure representation across the new ICB/ICS structure in GM.
  • Be an exemplar of best practice.
  1. Courage

We will collectively bolster members to be courageous and tenacious when challenging the healthcare status quo in GM

  • Increase market share for the VCSE sector with a clear offer to the wider ecosystem.
  • Be fleet of foot, dynamic, nimble, lean, agile and with no red tape
  • Be challenging
  • Call out unwarranted variation in health outcomes
  • Showcase innovation in terms of access and delivery.
  • Be aspirational towards smaller organisations
  • Be proactive in grasping opportunity
  1. Sustainability

We will work towards a buoyant and resilient VCSE sector in GM

  • Invest & develop – partner through sub-contracting with smaller organisations
  • Support the sustainability and effectiveness of peers and organisations in APF.
  • Workforce issues – planning, retention, recruitment, EDI
  • Social impact/value – commissioning
  • Be a hub of expertise around procurement and commissioning – the art of the impossible.

How we communicate

We embrace an environment of honesty, courage, inclusivity, and co-operation in our communication processes for The APC.

  • We will be clear on our channels of communication, ensuring information can be shared between partners accurately, clearly and to agreed timeframes.
  • We will ensure partners are informed quickly and accurately about any changes to our business or services that may impact them.
  • We will provide timely, comprehensive written proposals about partnership and service developments and provide each other with clear and timely feedback.
  • We will develop strong work relationship between partners and front-line staff.
  • We will promote partner organisations’ activities and impact.
  • We will share other opportunities with the partnership and be open and honest about our intended approach.
  • We will be honest when things do not go to plan. We understand that challenges are healthy, and we welcome them. We will work together to agree pathways for resolving disagreements and disputes.

 Learning and Evaluation

Our learning environment, will use all feedback to review performance and future direction.

  • We will create a learning environment that is influenced by quality data, our collective experiences, and people who experience our services.
  • We will work to identify good practice and barriers in service delivery and share across the partnership.
  • We will actively encourage feedback in all its forms and use to positively influence service and organisational development.
  • We will review partnership performance and the partnership charter regularly.

Our Partners

Salford Primary Care Together

Lingua GM

Wai Yin Society


Mind Tameside, Oldham and Glossop

Talk Listen Change

42nd Street

Big Life Group

Social Adventures

George House Trust