Join us and become a member

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Become a member:

We are now open to new members.

Our criteria for membership is shown below. If your Greater Manchester organisation is a match, please email to find out more about the application process.

APC – Membership Criteria

Membership organisations should satisfy ALL of the following criteria:

1. History of successful partnership working.

As a new body in a very fluid system, it is critical that the partners in the federation understand and have experience of setting up and partaking in successful partnerships in GM. Members must be committed to the development of the APC and the GM social business sector as a whole and willing to lead beyond their own individual organisations.

2. Geographical spread. 

This partnership needs to be anchored in place however it needs to be able to operate at scale across the GM system therefore it is important that partners can demonstrate a track record of delivery across multiple communities in Greater Manchester. They must therefore hold at least one NHS or Public Health contract in one borough and either work in more than one borough or have a mission and capacity to grow across GM footprint**.

3. Values and Ethos.

This will be a values-based partnership based on the principles of collaboration, co-production and a commitment to social justice. Members must commit to the principles and values outlined in the APC Partnership Charter.

4. Due Diligence. 

Partners will need to show they are governed robustly and are financially sound to be members.  They need to be autonomous of national umbrella bodies*. They most hold at least one NHS/Public Health commissioned contract. 

N.B. Changes to status that would invalidate membership include but are not limited to, change of leadership, loss of NHS contract, change in service provision/geography, non-compliance with laid out values/ethos, bankruptcy, receivership or being under investigation by an official/regulatory body.

*Members must demonstrate independence from national organisations e.g. core funding, independent strategies, etc’

** Existing members will be consulted on any application where there is ambiguity on this matter